Why the website for tpo toefl is down
Why the website for tpo toefl is down

why the website for tpo toefl is down

They are very sensitive to this kind of force. The lecturer figures out it is the magnetic force of the earth rather than the observation to help humpback whales on their route when they migrate. Secondly, there is surely internal driving force to motivate the action. In this case, we can not find the connection between intelligence and the ablility of migration. The lecturer illustrate his agrument by giving an example that birds migrate by using the stars in the night for orientation, but the intelligence of birds is only average not that intelligent. Firstly, the intelligence has no direct connection with the ability of migration. While the lecturer completely disagrees with the statements given in the reading passage. It said humpback whales are intelligent enough to navigate by observing the stars. Why does the author mention 24 presses in the discussion? Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4 about the "Gothic" typeface used in Germany?The reading passage proposes three reasons to explain how humpback whales conduct the migration behaviour. ACD The word "this" in the passage refers to D The word "contracted" in the passage is closest in meaning to C The word "phenomena" in the passage is closest in meaning to B The word "rudimentary" in the passage is closest in meaning to A In mentioning the screw press the author is indicating that D According to the passage, the role of the monastic scriptoria was to D According to paragraph 3, for whom were printed books mainly produced? Changes in climate have altered Earth's coastlines and their environments. The location of these heaps of rubbish can be an accurate indicator of earlier coastlines. According to paragraph 3, why is the height of a raised beach not a straightforward indicator of past sea level? According to paragraph 3, which of following causes an isostatic uplift? The word "comprising" in the passage 4 is closest in meaning to B Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 4 about Tokyo Bay? The word "remnants" in the passage is closest in meaning to A 9. What purpose does the discussion about the Bering Strait in paragraph 2 serve in the passage? Mikuni pilot jet size chartĪccording to paragraph 1, the city of Ephesus in western Turkey is an example of which of the following? Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about the effects of climate change during the Paleolithic period? By indicating that flora and fauna of isolated or insular areas were often irreversibly affected by the changes due to the Ice Age, the author means that the flora and fauna were A 6. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. The word "crucial" in the passage is closest in meaning to B 2.

Why the website for tpo toefl is down